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= Мир MS Excel/Библиотека

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Главная » Библиотека » Разное » Книги для студентов ВУЗов

Основы программирования на VBA и численные методы
[ · Скачать книгу (12,5 Мб) · Скачать приложение к книге ] 01.11.2013, 17:51
Intended for university students studying computer science, applied mathematics and information technology, as well as for post-graduate students, scientific workers and other readers wishing to refine their skill in solving problems by using tabular processor Microsoft Office Excel 2007 – 2013. Elements of an environment for developing programs (macros) and base constructs of programming languages Visual Basic and VBA are considered. Modern and classical numerical methods and their program realization are also considered. As examples, Excel macros are developed for solving mathematical, physical, engineering and economic problems. A compact disk containing program modules and other text information is enclosed. No preliminary programming experience is required for grasping the material. This book is based on the author’s two previous books approved by the Scientific and methodical council in computer science at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a manual on discipline "Computer science” for university students.
Категория: Книги для студентов ВУЗов | Добавил: Serge_007 | Теги: Книги, программирование, ВБА, vba, Основы
Просмотров: 7365 | Загрузок: 1646 | Рейтинг: 3.0/2
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