Добрый день, столкнулся с проблемой. Необходим скрипт VBA для суммы по цвету шрифта, на просторах интернета такое имеется, но только для версий Excel 2010 +, а на работе версия 1997-2003-- не принимает код и выводит ошибку в цикле VBA. Помогите пожалуйста с изменением кода под версию Excel 97-03 либо если имеются "ГУРУ Excel" подскажите скрипт VBA. Спасибо. P.S. скрипт прикрепляю ниже [vba]
---------------------------- Function GetCellColor(xlRange As Range) Dim indRow, indColumn As Long Dim arResults()
If xlRange Is Nothing Then Set xlRange = Application.ThisCell End If
If xlRange.Count > 1 Then ReDim arResults(1 To xlRange.Rows.Count, 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count) For indRow = 1 To xlRange.Rows.Count For indColumn = 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count arResults(indRow, indColumn) = xlRange(indRow, indColumn).Interior.Color Next Next GetCellColor = arResults Else GetCellColor = xlRange.Interior.Color End If End Function
Function GetCellFontColor(xlRange As Range) Dim indRow, indColumn As Long Dim arResults()
If xlRange Is Nothing Then Set xlRange = Application.ThisCell End If
If xlRange.Count > 1 Then ReDim arResults(1 To xlRange.Rows.Count, 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count) For indRow = 1 To xlRange.Rows.Count For indColumn = 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count arResults(indRow, indColumn) = xlRange(indRow, indColumn).Font.Color Next Next GetCellFontColor = arResults Else GetCellFontColor = xlRange.Font.Color End If
End Function
Function CountCellsByColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) As Long Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim cntRes As Long
Application.Volatile cntRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Interior.Color Then cntRes = cntRes + 1 End If Next cellCurrent
CountCellsByColor = cntRes End Function
Function SumCellsByColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim sumRes
Application.Volatile sumRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Interior.Color Then sumRes = WorksheetFunction.Sum(cellCurrent, sumRes) End If Next cellCurrent
SumCellsByColor = sumRes End Function
Function CountCellsByFontColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) As Long Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim cntRes As Long
Application.Volatile cntRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Font.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Font.Color Then cntRes = cntRes + 1 End If Next cellCurrent
CountCellsByFontColor = cntRes End Function
Function SumCellsByFontColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim sumRes
Application.Volatile sumRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Font.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Font.Color Then sumRes = WorksheetFunction.Sum(cellCurrent, sumRes) End If Next cellCurrent
SumCellsByFontColor = sumRes End Function -----------------------------------
Добрый день, столкнулся с проблемой. Необходим скрипт VBA для суммы по цвету шрифта, на просторах интернета такое имеется, но только для версий Excel 2010 +, а на работе версия 1997-2003-- не принимает код и выводит ошибку в цикле VBA. Помогите пожалуйста с изменением кода под версию Excel 97-03 либо если имеются "ГУРУ Excel" подскажите скрипт VBA. Спасибо. P.S. скрипт прикрепляю ниже [vba]
---------------------------- Function GetCellColor(xlRange As Range) Dim indRow, indColumn As Long Dim arResults()
If xlRange Is Nothing Then Set xlRange = Application.ThisCell End If
If xlRange.Count > 1 Then ReDim arResults(1 To xlRange.Rows.Count, 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count) For indRow = 1 To xlRange.Rows.Count For indColumn = 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count arResults(indRow, indColumn) = xlRange(indRow, indColumn).Interior.Color Next Next GetCellColor = arResults Else GetCellColor = xlRange.Interior.Color End If End Function
Function GetCellFontColor(xlRange As Range) Dim indRow, indColumn As Long Dim arResults()
If xlRange Is Nothing Then Set xlRange = Application.ThisCell End If
If xlRange.Count > 1 Then ReDim arResults(1 To xlRange.Rows.Count, 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count) For indRow = 1 To xlRange.Rows.Count For indColumn = 1 To xlRange.Columns.Count arResults(indRow, indColumn) = xlRange(indRow, indColumn).Font.Color Next Next GetCellFontColor = arResults Else GetCellFontColor = xlRange.Font.Color End If
End Function
Function CountCellsByColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) As Long Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim cntRes As Long
Application.Volatile cntRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Interior.Color Then cntRes = cntRes + 1 End If Next cellCurrent
CountCellsByColor = cntRes End Function
Function SumCellsByColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim sumRes
Application.Volatile sumRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Interior.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Interior.Color Then sumRes = WorksheetFunction.Sum(cellCurrent, sumRes) End If Next cellCurrent
SumCellsByColor = sumRes End Function
Function CountCellsByFontColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) As Long Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim cntRes As Long
Application.Volatile cntRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Font.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Font.Color Then cntRes = cntRes + 1 End If Next cellCurrent
CountCellsByFontColor = cntRes End Function
Function SumCellsByFontColor(rData As Range, cellRefColor As Range) Dim indRefColor As Long Dim cellCurrent As Range Dim sumRes
Application.Volatile sumRes = 0 indRefColor = cellRefColor.Cells(1, 1).Font.Color For Each cellCurrent In rData If indRefColor = cellCurrent.Font.Color Then sumRes = WorksheetFunction.Sum(cellCurrent, sumRes) End If Next cellCurrent
SumCellsByFontColor = sumRes End Function -----------------------------------